Avoid these Common Freezer Mistakes

frozen raspberries - refrigerator is freezing all my food

Freezers are essential for preservation, storage, and ice creation. However, this seemingly fool proof appliance actually has a few tricks to it. A lot of people make small mistakes when using the freezer, and these small mistakes add up and affect your food. Read these tips on preventing common mistakes so you can avoid them in your own freezer! Continue reading

Troubleshooting Your Refrigerator

The refrigerator is an essential appliance in your home. So, when it is having issues, it can be a major source of stress. Before paying for maintenance (or worse- a whole new unit), check for the following common problems and see if you can make an easy fix on your own instead! Please note- always unplug your appliances before doing any work on them! Continue reading

Is Your Refrigerator Winter Ready?

Is your refrigerator ready for winter? This may seem like an odd question, refrigerators keep food cold and winter is freezing so what would you need to do to get your refrigerator ready for winter? Believe it or not, refrigerators get cold to. Refrigeration systems that are kept outdoors or in unheated areas such as garage or basement fridges can be offset by the cold weather and cause your refrigerator to maintain undesired temperatures. However, there is an easy fix a refrigerator garage kit!

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How to make sure your freezer is working to maximum efficiency

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You may notice that food in your freezer may not be as frozen as you’d like. The freezer/fridge is probably the most used appliance in your kitchen, and we have a few reasons as to why it may be warmer. Continue reading

Appliances can help you keep your New Year’s resolutions

Appliances-can-help-you-keep-your-New-Year-resolutionsTrying to save money? Lose weight? Your appliances can help you keep your New Year’s resolutions.

Organize your refrigerator to save money and lose weight

Save money and lose weight by better organizing your refrigerator.  American families throw out between 14 and 25 percent of the food and beverages they buy, according to a statistic reported in the Washington Post. Make sure you use the food you buy before it expires by moving those items to the front of the fridge where you will be reminded to use them.

To lose weight, Continue reading

Beauty in the ice box – Ice cube facials

Here’s a beauty treatment that is as close as your freezer — ice cube facials promise to cool you down while toning and improving your skin.IceCube_Clear

Lauran Conrad claims that in addition to giving your skin a “dewy, glowing look” the ice cubes facial will help “smooth your complexion by combatting fat cells, ease wrinkles, fight acne, and promote blood circulation that will help heal blemishes.”

She suggests freezing ice cubes with slices of lemon, watermelon or rose for more of a spa-type treatment.  Wrap the ice cubes in a paper towel or put them in a Ziploc bag before applying them to your face using massaging strokes.

This slide from Redbook suggests that you rub a plain ice cube to your face in the morning to slow down the signs of again and to help wake you up.

Beauty blogger Michelle Phan at one time created her own green tea and vitamin-E infused ice cubes, but now links to those posts are gone. Here’s a recipe for it in case you are interested in creating your own.

So do ice facials work and do all that they claim to do? Any dermatologists out there care to let us know?