Why is My Washer Staining My Clothes?


When your trusty washer starts to malfunction it becomes a huge inconvenience because let’s face it, we’re all too busy to hand wash our own clothes. When doing laundry we typically have the mindset that anything dirty will come out clean right?Well, unfortunately sometimes your washer can malfunction or you might be using too much detergent.  In order to solve the problem, we have listed some possible reasons why your washer may be staining or ruining your clothes


Using too much detergent:

You might think that using more detergent will make your clothes clean, but in reality, it will do the complete opposite. When your washer does not produce more water than the amount of detergent added it will result in laundry caked in soap and greasy. Sometimes the color of the laundry detergent can stain light colored clothing. Any detergent that is left in the washer will cause residue buildup, which sooner or later leads to blockages.


Your washer is rusting:

If you have a washer that is rusting on the outside of the clothes basket, it might be the reason your clothes are getting stained brown or red.


You are overloading your washer:

Stuffing your laundry into the washer will not only damage your appliance but will not give your clothes the proper washing it needs. When clothes are stuffed into the drum with little to no room, it will come out partially clean because it leaves less room for the water to circulate in order to wash your clothes efficiently.  Give your clothes some room to move around in the drum which will result in clean fresh clothes.


Visit PCAppliancerepair.com to find the part that works for your washer.

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One thought on “Why is My Washer Staining My Clothes?

  1. That’s good to know that some components of the washer could rust. Staining clothes from all the rust sound like a good way to ruin them, so I’m glad that you mentioned that. I should get someone to help me replace any parts that start to rust so I could hopefully avoid that issue with my washer.

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