Avoid these Common Freezer Mistakes

frozen raspberries - refrigerator is freezing all my food

Freezers are essential for preservation, storage, and ice creation. However, this seemingly fool proof appliance actually has a few tricks to it. A lot of people make small mistakes when using the freezer, and these small mistakes add up and affect your food. Read these tips on preventing common mistakes so you can avoid them in your own freezer! Continue reading


electric oven will not unlock

When your oven starts acting strange, it can become a hassle to figure out the cause of the issue. Before coming to the conclusion of a new oven, there are a few factors to keep in mind.

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Troubleshoot the Dishwasher

Clean cutlery and plates

The dishwasher keeps you from having to hand-wash all those dishes that pile up throughout the day, which is a huge time saver. But what if your dishwasher is suddenly not working correctly? Before stressing out, try checking these common problems and see if you can make some small adjustments to fix it yourself! Continue reading


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When your refrigerator starts acting wacky, it can become a chore to figure out the cause of the problem. Before the assumption of a new refrigerator comes into mind, there are a few factors to take into consideration.

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Troubleshoot your Gas Range

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Most people use their stoves and/or ovens at least once a day. Because they face so much use, it is important to maintain them properly. A lot of issues that arise with your gas range that seem bad can actually be fixed fairly easily on your own. Keep reading to see some common problems and their respective solutions! Continue reading

How to Know When to Repair or Replace Your Clothes Dryer

Lint can accumulate inside the dryer, leading to conditions that could cause a dryer fire.

When your dryer breaks down, it can be difficult to know if it’s worth repairing or not. Before running out and buying a new appliance, here are a few factors to take into consideration. 

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Troubleshoot Your Electric Range

electric oven will not unlock

Ovens and cook-tops have become a necessary part of the home. They tend to last a long time, even when used daily, but they can be very expensive to replace when the time comes. So before you replace your electric range, check these common symptoms and solutions to see if you can get more time out of it! Continue reading

Are You Sure You Need to Replace? – Washing Machine

washer-over-sudsing-with-lots-of-soap-bubblesWhen your washing machine breaks down it can be difficult to know if it’s worth repairing it or not. Before running out and buying a new appliance, here are the following factors to take into consideration. 

The Average Lifespan of a Washing Machine

According to major appliance manufacturers, most washers will last anywhere between 10 to 15 years.  Of course, there are multiple factors which impact its lifespan such as how often you use it and how well you maintain it. The better maintained it is, the longer it will last. However, knowing the lifespan of your appliance can help you when determining whether to repair or replace. 

WARNING: Before attempting to work on any appliance, make sure that all power (electricity) and utilities (water and gas) have been turned off and/or disconnected on the appliance. Read more

Easy Fix or Call a Professional?

Trying to diagnose what is wrong with your washer can be tricky. Luckily, thanks to websites like YouTube.com and http://www.pcappliancerepair.com, its’ easier than ever to find free appliance repair information.  Some repairs are Continue reading