Garbage Disposal Cleaning Tips

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The garbage disposal is an amazing kitchen tool. It takes care of tons of food items and keeps you from having to keep scraps in the garbage, where they could smell up the house. Although garbage disposals are mainly self-cleaning, they should be given a bit of extra care a few times a year. Keep reading for some easy ways to keep your disposal in top shape and odor free! Continue reading

Washer Has No Hot or Cold Water

Washer Has No Hot or Cold WaterA washer that is not filling with the correct water temperature of water or even no water at all, could be due to a defective part on the washer. However, it could also be due to a problem with the home’s water pressure. Here’s how to troubleshoot.

Fill Hose washer ends with washer screen

Check the Washer’s Water Inlet Fill Hoses

Over time, tiny screens on the ends of the hoses that supply water to the washer can get clogged with sediment and minerals from the water supply. The hoses can also become kinked and if made of rubber can corrode or bubble. Inspect the hoses for any defects and replace if leaking, bubbling or corroded.

Washer fill hose screens

Disconnect the hoses from the back of the washer and place the hoses in a sink or a bucket. Turn on the water to see what sort of water flow you get from the hoses. Check the Continue reading

Troubleshooting the Ice Maker

Ice cubesMany people depend on the ease and convenience that an ice maker allows, as opposed to the tedious use of ice cube trays. But what if your ice maker stops working?? Check out these common problems and their simple solutions, and hopefully you can have your ice maker up and running in no time! Continue reading

Natural Ways to Clean your House

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Are you someone who enjoys a clean house, but doesn’t enjoy using harsh chemicals? Then you will be pleased to know that there are a number of natural cleaning techniques that you can use to keep your appliances and home surfaces clean, sans chemicals. Keep reading for some great ones! Continue reading

Troubleshoot your Humidifier

Humidifier in the houseHaving a humidifier in the home can have a ton of benefits. It can improve skin and hair health, reduce respiratory symptoms, and increase the longevity of your home’s wood floors and furniture. Particularly in the drier times of year, many people have one constantly running. As with any appliance, things can stop working and cause you unwanted stress. Keep reading to see how to fix a few common issues yourself! Continue reading

Conserve Energy with your Appliances


Your home is probably full of appliances that you need for daily use, and they most likely require a great deal of energy to run. Excessive energy use is not good for the environment, and it also jacks up that dreaded electricity bill. Some of this energy cost is of course unavoidable, but there are simple changes you can make to decrease it. Continue reading to learn some basic tips to reduce your energy costs! Continue reading

Troubleshoot your Dehumidifier

Changing water container of dehumidifier at home. Dampness in apartment. Modern technology

A dehumidifier lowers the humidity level in your home by pulling moisture from the surrounding air.  Dehumidifiers make your home less susceptible to unwanted things like dust mites, mold, and mildew and they also help reduce irritation to your skin and respiratory system. If you have one of these handy appliances, but it starts to not work properly, it is most likely an easy fix. So keep reading to learn what to check for to get your dehumidifier back up and running! Continue reading

Prepare your Home for Spring!

art abstract spring background or summer background with fresh g

As the weather clears up and becomes nicer, you might start to notice some things that may have been neglected on your house over those long winter months. The responsibility of maintaining the external aspects of your home can seem daunting at first, but don’t stress! Read on for a simple checklist of the basics. Continue reading

Heat Dry vs. Air Dry in the Dishwasher


Clean cutlery and plates


Dishwashers can be tricky. Washing and drying dishes can make people curious about which cycle is better or worse when it comes the dishes. One question which has risen is whether air drying or heat drying the dishes from the dishwasher is better. No one wants to dry dishes because it can become quite a chore, but which is better. The thing is, each has their own benefits so it is based on personal preference. Read below to see which option is better for you.

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How Often do you Clean your Coffee Pot?

Cup of heart latte art

Turns out, your coffee machine should be cleaned at least once a month, and more often than that if you brew more than one pot a day (or if you have particularly hard water). Every time coffee gets brewed, tiny amounts of debris from the beans, and anything in your water, build up in the machine. If left to sit for too long, this can become noticeable in the taste of your coffee- yikes! Continue reading