Why Won’t My Microwave Turntable Turn?

The glass tray in a microwave is supposed to do one thing-turn. But what are you supposed to do if it doesn’t? Keep reading to troubleshoot why your turntable in your microwave isn’t turning, and how to fix it. Continue reading

Expand Your Range’s Life

Ranges can be used for baking, broiling, and much more. So, it’s important to maintain it and do whatever we can to extend its lifespan. By following these tips, you are doing yourself and your range a favor.

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All About Appliance Error Codes

We all know that horror, when you see a flashing code on your appliance. It’s an error code and it means something is wrong. But, it’s a number and a letter and you have no idea what it means. So, in order to fix this problem, here is all about appliance error codes. Continue reading

Your dirty humidifier could be making you sick, here’s how to clean it

humidifier spreading steam into airEveryone knows the benefits of running a humidifier during the dry winter months. The humidifier adds much need water moisture to your home’s air which helps your lungs and keeps your nasal passages from drying out; preventing illness. It can even help prevent migraines.

However, if you are not regularly cleaning your humidifier – and we’re talking weekly here – then your humidifier might be brewing up something else – bacteria, mold and mildew.

ABC News tested 10 different humidifiers from 10 different homes for different molds and bacteria. Most of the humidifiers tested showed Continue reading