Why Won’t My Microwave Turntable Turn?

The glass tray in a microwave is supposed to do one thing-turn. But what are you supposed to do if it doesn’t? Keep reading to troubleshoot why your turntable in your microwave isn’t turning, and how to fix it.

WARNING: Before attempting to work on any appliance, make sure that all power (electricity) and utilities (water and gas) have been turned off and/or disconnected on the appliance. Read more

Unplug & Clean

The first thing you might want to do is unplug your microwave, and clean it. Once your appliance is disconnected, remove the tray and clean that and the turntable guide. Don’t forget to check the drive bushing before you put it back together. After all that is done, test it out. If it still doesn’t work check the parts below.


Granted that your turntable won’t turn, you might have a problem with the drive coupler. A large amount of models that contain a round glass tray use a driven coupler and roller guide. But, some models have a rectangular tray which uses a drive coupler with an offset roller. For both, remove the roller guide and tray to check for damage. The majority of models have a three-sided coupler that is easily removes, but some require that you remove the motor first. The coupler has an opening that is “D”-shaped. If it’s damaged, cracked, or worn, it needs to be replaced.

Drive Motor

Another possibility for a turntable that won’t turn is the drive motor, especially if your microwave makes a grinding sound. A large amount of models that contain a round glass tray use a driven coupler and roller guide. The motor is usually below the oven’s floor, so the microwave must be disconnected, and the bottom panel must be removed. Retaining screws and wires are what normally will hold the motor in place. The motor needs to be replaced if it’s making a grinding sound, or doesn’t rotate. To check for continuity or voltage, use a multi-meter. If there is none, the motor need to be replaced. If you need a live voltage check, you will need to ask a qualified technician.

Roller Guide

A final solution may be the roller guide under the glass tray, that keeps it on track while turning. Some models that contain a round glass tray use a driven coupler to rotate the roller guide. Remove the glass tray and check the roller guide. Inspect the hub to see if the coupler is secure and check the rollers for damage, cracks, or wear. If there is a lot of wear and tear on the roller guide, it needs to be replaced.

So, there is some troubleshooting to why your microwave turntable won’t turn, and how you can check to find out what the problem is.

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