Troubleshoot the Dishwasher

Clean cutlery and plates

The dishwasher keeps you from having to hand-wash all those dishes that pile up throughout the day, which is a huge time saver. But what if your dishwasher is suddenly not working correctly? Before stressing out, try checking these common problems and see if you can make some small adjustments to fix it yourself! Continue reading

The Different Uses of What?

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Cleaning can be such a hassle when it comes to all the different products that are used. However, there is an item that is frequently in the home which has multiple different uses such as cleaning. Read below to see what product it is and what it can be used for.

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The Dishwasher Smells?

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One of the worst things about smelly appliance is many people don’t know where to look or how to even clean to get the smell to disperse. One of the smelliest appliances that can create a foul smell is the dishwasher. The dishwasher has constant food, water and other materials sitting or cycling through it weekly, so there may come a point where it starts to smell. Read below on where to look when it comes to the smells in the dishwasher.

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Clean Your Sponge and Kill Harmful Bacteria – 3 Easy Ways

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Question, what gets dirtier the more it cleans? A sponge, and in this case the kitchen sponge. It is never thought of when cleaning the dishes because most people assume it’s clean since its job is to clean; however, research shows that sponges can be dirtier than the toilet seat based on how much bacteria can accumulate overtime. If sponges are left soaking after cleaning, bacteria can begin to grow. Below are some cleaning tips to make sure that the sponge is clean while it’s cleaning.

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DON’T put this in the Dishwasher!

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Dishwashers seem to be life savers when it comes to how many dishes pile up over time. However, there are some dishes that shouldn’t go into the dishwasher because they can be tough on certain dishes. Read below for more information on which dishes should be left out of the dishwasher.

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The Hidden Spots That Make Your Dishwasher Smell

The Hidden Spots That Make Your Dishwasher Smell If your dishwasher has developed a stinky smell that you just can’t seem to get rid of, it might be due to rotten food and smelly germs lingering in these missed spots. Here’s where to look.

removable mesh dishwasher filter

The Filter

Most people don’t know or forget that they need to clean their dishwasher’s filter. The filter traps larger food particles from clogging up your dishwasher’s drain pump. Locate the filter on your dishwasher and remove it from the machine. The filter usually Continue reading

Why Is My Dishwasher Not Drying Dishes?


Open dishwasher with dishes in rackAre your dishes still wet after you unload your dishwasher? It can be frustrating having to wipe your dishes dry when it was your dishwasher’s job. There are various reasons why your dishwasher isn’t drying your dishes properly.

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Why Is My Dishwasher Noisy?

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Some loud noises coming from your dishwasher are normal, but if it is the water making a hissing noise through the water inlet valve, the pump motor is humming, or water is swishing around then you should take a closer look inside your dishwasher. Is your dishwasher making loud noises? If your dishwasher is extra loud or is being noisy here are some parts to check in order to solve this problem. Continue reading

New Year, New Me: Appliance Maintenance


Get rid of those old 2017 habits and start fresh by taking care of your appliances in 2018. Forget about working out and cutting junk food from your lifestyle and make a resolution that you might actually stick to throughout the year. Maintaining your appliances decreases the cost of big un-wanted expenses. Increase the longevity of your appliances by following these steps to a repair-free year.

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Tips to Avoid Dishwasher Repair


Dishwashers are one of the most used kitchen appliances. It is important to preserve and increase the dishwasher’s longevity. In order to keep your dishwasher alive, you’ll need to follow these rules

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