Why Is My Dishwasher Not Drying Dishes?


Open dishwasher with dishes in rackAre your dishes still wet after you unload your dishwasher? It can be frustrating having to wipe your dishes dry when it was your dishwasher’s job. There are various reasons why your dishwasher isn’t drying your dishes properly.


One possible reason that your dishwasher isn’t drying could be due to the fact that you are overloading your dishwasher. When you load more dishes than your dishwasher can hold, the air circulation becomes limited which will result in wet dishes. To see if overloading is the problem, try filling your dishwasher with a lighter load and run the appliance.

Heating Element:

If you have a heating element that is not working properly it may be the cause for dishes not drying. The terminals of the heating element, usually located beneath the dishwasher behind the lower panel, you can check for continuity. Also, check terminals for any damages and replace if needed.

High Limit Thermostat

If you have a defective thermostat, it may result in the dishwasher turning off before it finishes drying. The thermostat prevents the dishwasher from getting too hot and if defective, will turn off the heat too early. Usually found beneath the dishwasher behind the lower panel, check the thermostat for continuity and replace if needed.

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