Why is My Washer Staining My Clothes?


When your trusty washer starts to malfunction it becomes a huge inconvenience because let’s face it, we’re all too busy to hand wash our own clothes. When doing laundry we typically have the mindset that anything dirty will come out clean right?Well, unfortunately sometimes your washer can malfunction or you might be using too much detergent.  In order to solve the problem, we have listed some possible reasons why your washer may be staining or ruining your clothes


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Why Is My Dishwasher Not Drying Dishes?


Open dishwasher with dishes in rackAre your dishes still wet after you unload your dishwasher? It can be frustrating having to wipe your dishes dry when it was your dishwasher’s job. There are various reasons why your dishwasher isn’t drying your dishes properly.

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