Why is My Washer Staining My Clothes?


When your trusty washer starts to malfunction it becomes a huge inconvenience because let’s face it, we’re all too busy to hand wash our own clothes. When doing laundry we typically have the mindset that anything dirty will come out clean right?Well, unfortunately sometimes your washer can malfunction or you might be using too much detergent.  In order to solve the problem, we have listed some possible reasons why your washer may be staining or ruining your clothes


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My Washer is Eating My Socks!

Do you ever notice you lose one or two socks after every laundry load? Ever wonder where your socks go? Missing socks are one of those great mysteries that people are always trying to solve. No fear, the solution is here!

After doing research on why your socks go missing you’ve probably found tips and hacks, such as putting your socks on top of the rest of your clothes or lessen your load, but most of the time those don’t work or your socks are already missing. Instead, it might just be a case of a hungry washer. Here are the steps to retrieve your socks from the washer!

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Why Do My Clothes Go Missing in My Washer?

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Depending on your busy schedule, laundry is one of our main chores to do for ourselves during the week. Not only can this chore be time consuming and frustrating when we do not have enough time in our day, but it can be even more aggravating when we lose our clothes. How many times have you put socks or other small garments in the washer/dryer and then not have been able to find them? Although some may think this is some magical power that the washer or dryer has, you can almost always get them back because they are simply just stuck inside a part of the machine.

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