Dish washing Detergent v. Dish Soap!


Foam bubbles abstract black background.

Dishwasher detergent and dish soap are the same thing. Wait, no they aren’t, that’s why one says dishwasher and the other says dish. But what’s the difference? Both of their product goals are to clean the dishes. Below are the reasons why maybe these different cleaning products shouldn’t be intermixed with one another.

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Appliances can help you keep your New Year’s resolutions

Appliances-can-help-you-keep-your-New-Year-resolutionsTrying to save money? Lose weight? Your appliances can help you keep your New Year’s resolutions.

Organize your refrigerator to save money and lose weight

Save money and lose weight by better organizing your refrigerator.  American families throw out between 14 and 25 percent of the food and beverages they buy, according to a statistic reported in the Washington Post. Make sure you use the food you buy before it expires by moving those items to the front of the fridge where you will be reminded to use them.

To lose weight, Continue reading