Why is my new oven smoking and producing a smell?


Did you recently purchase a new oven only to find out it smokes and smells the first time you turn it on? What’s going on? Well, you can relax, this is normal.

It turns out the smell or smoke might be coming from the residue of oils added to the oven cavity during the manufacturing process, or from the insulation of your new oven.

To get rid of this smell, you can try running a self-cleaning cycle. Be sure to open a window, or use your range vent hood to help ventilate the room.

Also, if you have a pet bird, put it in a well-ventilated room far from your kitchen,  or remove it from your home during the self-cleaning process.  Birds can be extremely sensitive to the fumes produced by an oven’s self-cleaning cycle. Be sure to allow your home to air out before bringing your bird back inside.